-target_arch=ia32: Pass the target arch and override the host arch. -target=0.4.0: Pass the target node or node-webkit version to compile against. -fallback-to-build: fallback to building from source if pre-built binary is not available. -runtime=node-webkit: customize the runtime: node, electron and node-webkit are the valid options. -update-binary: reinstall by replacing previously installed local binary with remote binary. -build-from-source: build from source instead of using pre-built binary. -C/-directory: run the command in this directory. You can also chain commands: node-pre-gyp clean build unpublish publish info Options info - Fetch info on published binaries. testpackage - Test that the staged package is valid. rebuild - Run "clean" and "build" at once. build - Compile the module by dispatching to node-gyp or nw-gyp.
reinstall - Run "clean" and "install" at once.
install - Install pre-built binary for module. clean - Remove the entire folder containing the compiled. View all possible commands: node-pre-gyp -help node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp -helpīut you can also install it globally: npm install -g Usage Commands Node-pre-gyp is designed to be installed as a local dependency of your Node.js C++ addon and accessed like. The module is modeled after node-gyp by Motivation for initial development came from and the Ghost Project. A JavaScript module that can dynamically require your installed binary: a hello world example of a module packaged with node-pre-gyp see and the wiki for real world examples. A variety of developer targeted commands for packaging, testing, and publishing binaries. A command line tool called node-pre-gyp that can install your package's C++ module from a binary. To upgrade to the new package do: npm uninstall node-pre-gyp -save
Older, unscoped versions that are not part of the org are deprecated and only will see updates going forward. Makes it easy to publish and install Node.js C++ addons from stands between npm and node-gyp and offers a cross-platform method of binary deployment.