Download shuttle pro slow
Download shuttle pro slow

View the real-time location of the shuttle, get estimated arrival times. I've tried changing the options for setDirectDownloadEnabled() and setDisableGZipContent() (since we're downloading a zip, it's already compressed) - neither as any noticeable effect. The Met Center Shuttle tracking application makes it easy to know where your bus is. These are the libraries I'm using from Google:


As a silly, but sad test to drive home the problem, I executed gsutil in a different terminal window while the Java code was still chugging away, and gsutil downloaded the same file seconds ahead of the Java code. I don't understand why this is so incredibly slow. When you turn on your smartphone, billions of electrons shuttle around. MediaHttpDownloader downloader = get.getMediaHttpDownloader() ĭtDirectDownloadEnabled(true) //Seems to have no effect You may be asking, why is my phone hot Well, where theres energy, theres heat. Get.setDisableGZipContent(true) //Seems to have no effect get = storageService.objects().get("mybucket", "") However, the Java code that should do more or less the same thing is far, far slower: FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("") For reference, this would be the equivalent gsutil command.

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Basically, for downloading large zip files, gsutil is extremely fast, but Java code do a similar task is extremely slow, perhaps by a factor of 10x. All of the following happens on a GCP instance - so this is all within Google's network.

download shuttle pro slow

I've been having a problem with using the Google Cloud Storage APIs in Java.

Download shuttle pro slow